Welcome to our English page!

We appreciate your interest in our project and in learning more about what is happening in Venezuela with the help of our team. We are a group of human rights defenders, composed of legal professionals and others in related fields, who aim to help restore democracy and institutional integrity in our country.

In this section, you will find explanatory content about the Venezuelan political system, its institutions, and relevant topics, as well as our thematic articles written by our pseudonyms, allies, and collaborators. All articles are available in English.

The references for our Spanish content can be accessed through hyperlinks enabled exclusively for the Spanish articles. All our articles are identical (with minor linguistic adaptations), so they share the same sources. At this time, we do not have the capacity to provide translations of the sources we use. However, you can trust that our content comes from credible and respected sources within our country and region.

We hope you understand that this project is still in development, and as such, you may encounter sections of the website that are being updated. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard.

We are also available through our social media.
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